Friday, February 13, 2009


Will has the hiccups right now...for the third time today! He gets the hiccups - sometimes more than once! They usually don't bother me, unless I'm trying to sleep. Then the constant "popping" in my belly is a little annoying ;)

The other day I heard a story about a family that was expecting a little girl (and had the nursery all decorated and everything!) and instead were surprised with a little boy. It made me realize how much I've grown used to the fact that Will is a boy. If he surprised us at delivery by having girl parts instead of boy parts, I'm not sure how I'd react! I'm sure eventually it would be wonderful and a blessing, but it would definitely be a shock. We have all these dreams for him as a little boy - playing sports, rough-housing with Greg, learning about cars from Matt, would be so strange to have to change all those ideas of what the future will be like! We're 99% sure he's a boy though - the ultrasound technicians confirmed it at the last ultrasound we had too :) So hopefully, there will be no surprises here!

I'm headed to bed right now...Greg and I are going to have fun hanging out on our last Valentine's Day as a family of two! And I've got to be rested ;) We've been trying to see a movie for the past few weeks, but I get so tired so early that it's been impossible! So we decided to go to a matinee and THEN do dinner. Hopefully I can make it through one of those movies!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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